Posts tagged botrmotivation
Three Ways to Figure Out Your Side Hustle

I’ve had so many of you reach out about how to find a side hustle so that you can start a #smallbusiness or #freelance your skillset and eventually quit your day job and set your own rules, both of which I started doing a couple of years ago and now make a full time income from! But how do you get started? How do you figure out what you might like to do? Here are 3 tips to start discovering direction:

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12 Ideas for Celebrating the Holiday Socially-Distanced This Year

The holidays look different for some of us this year, and I know that many will be spending it alone or with family via Zoom. If you need a fun some fun ideas to spice it up, leggo:

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In a World of Trends...

When I first started posting on the ‘gram, it was to document all of the cool concerts & festivals I was a part of while I was working in the music industry & moonlighting in music photography. I’m not even sure on my record for shows in a year... but it was a lot back then & I kept riding that wave into the next one, which ended up being...

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This Year Looks So Different Than It Was Supposed to...

This year looks so different than what I thought it would. It was supposed to go like this:

  • I was supposed to be traveling 1-2 weeks of every month, mostly internationally

  • I was supposed to have a calendar full of new restaurant & bar openings, concerts, & other #MileHigh happenings

  • I was supposed to attend a big graduation, be the maid of honor in a wedding, & spend every holiday with family…

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What Adjectives Do You Use to Describe Yourself?

Do you remember those exercises in elementary school where you’d have a whole word bank of adjectives & you’d have to choose 5 and make them into a sentence? Like, “The sheep is fast and pretty and brave and sensitive and angry?” And you would just wildly choose them at random because homework and let’s get it done, right?…

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Why You Should Start Saying "No" More Often

“I somehow had equated being kind with saying yes.”

“I didn’t want to let people down.”

“I was afraid to fail or hurt someone’s feelings.”

“I didn’t want to miss out.”

Ever found yourself feeling the feels with one of the above? Ever found yourself overextended or exhausted, with no one to blame but yourself?

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The Biggest Piece of Advice for Switching Up Your Career

If you’re rethinking life during COVID, you’re not alone. I think it’s making a lot of us reconsider, or forcing those of us who have to find a new role, to ask what the heck it is we really want to be doing with our lives, where we should live, and who we should be spending our time with…

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How to Reflect on Growth + What I've Learned This Year

When do you take the time to self-reflect on your growth: in work, in self, in relationships?In six weeks? In a semester? In a year? In a decade? It can be hard to decide when is the best time to sit back and reflect on your growth, but one thing’s for sure: You’ve got to MAKE IT a PRIORITY.

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How to Stay Accountable with Your Fitness Goals & WaytoGo's #BiketoWhereverWeek

For many of us, 2020 has been a weird year for fitness goals. When the gyms first closed and social distancing became the norm, a lot of us were left with figuring out a new routine. It felt hard to be motivated. I know sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the news and had a hard time figuring out what my new fitness routine should be. When I talked to @olivihuh, we realized we were experiencing the same struggle…

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Why You Should Take a Big Dose of Nostalgia This Week

I recently read this article in National Geographic that talked all about how nostalgia is a coping mechanism that many of us are finding helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic…

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Don't Overthink It

Have you ever tried making a decision that scared you a lil bit, and found yourself paralyzed by indecision, caught up in every detail? Or maybe it was something that didn’t even scare you. Maybe it was brunch…

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How to Get Obsessed with Your Life

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that pausing for self-reflection is: 1) important to do often; 2) can help you make decisions; 3) might bring up a lot of uncomfortable sh*t! Not happy with your job/relationships/body/self? Being quarantined and forcing yourself to think about whatever it is that you are unhappy or uncomfortable with isn’t always going to leave you feeling fuzzy...

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How to Set Yourself Apart & Own Your Art

Last fall in Madrid, I went to a flamenco show at Cafe Chinitas. There were maybe 10 of us in the crowd, so this wasn’t some packed show, and I was seated front row, right next to the stage. It was lit though, crowd or not, because the performers onstage were clearly ARTISTS in their ELEMENT and they danced like this was a packed theatre!

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#MondayMood: Using Visualization to Manifest Your Goals

I’m a big believer in visualization: Before I ever started freelancing as a content creator and traveling, I pictured myself doing it. I know it sounds weird. But I just started imagining myself working from a laptop and seeing the world. And then one day I was. There was a lot of work to get there, sure. But I kept visualizing it, all the time. Sometimes now I even get this weird deja-vu kinda feeling where it’s less of a, “Did I do this before?” and more of a, “Didn’t I picture myself here once and now it’s kind of happening?”

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10 Things I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving

I always find myself reflecting on the past year around the holidays. Between the decorating, the shopping, the dinners, and the parties, it’s important to take some time to think about where you’re at and where you’re going. After all, New Year’s Resolutions are right around the corner! So this week, I took some time to look at my last year and reflect on some of the things I’m most grateful for. Here’s my list of ten things I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving:

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