This Year Looks So Different Than It Was Supposed to...


This year looks so different than what I thought it would. It was supposed to go like this:

  • I was supposed to be traveling 1-2 weeks of every month, mostly internationally

  • I was supposed to have a calendar full of new restaurant & bar openings, concerts, & other #MileHigh happenings

  • I was supposed to attend a big graduation, be the maid of honor in a wedding, & spend every holiday with family

Instead it looks like this:

  • ☀️I spend almost every day in the sunshine. If there is sun, I am outside & a little pup @ziggyontherun accompanies my every move

    🌄 I’ve explored more of the state I was born & raised in, my beautiful Colorado. It sparked a lot of conversations with SO many of you & it’s turned this platform into an even bigger community. I love talking to so many of you every single day. I’ve been blown away by the connections I’ve made through social media & my blog this year. Thank you.

    🥡 I support local restaurants & bars at least once a week, usually ordering in & often they’re including little thank you notes & extras that make me feel more connected to them than any soft opening ever would have

    🎧 I’ve spent money directly with artists I love since I can’t enjoy their shows live; @bolderbeat has continued to publish on local & national artists thanks to its passionate contributors 🌙

    💖I watched @olivihuh graduate virtually & have gotten to spend more time with her than I have in 12 years & we’ve started multiple business ventures together 💪

    🧁I watched @ba_godfrey share the sweetest vows from afar, made a video with all of our friends from all over the world with best wishes, & sent a cake because when in doubt, sugar

    I spent Halloween with my favorite people because the numbers were better then & we had so much fun. I’m one of the Zoom Thanksgiving peeps this year but it’s been weirdly enjoyable binge-ordering food for the day 🤷‍♀️

All that to say that 2020 hasn’t looked a damn thing like I thought it would. It’s been so different than I thought it would be, but it’s been so good in so many ways too so as we near a holiday of reflection, I’m choosing to spend it with gratitude.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the ‘gram!

Chat more soon. xoxo