Posts tagged yearofgratitude
This Year Looks So Different Than It Was Supposed to...

This year looks so different than what I thought it would. It was supposed to go like this:

  • I was supposed to be traveling 1-2 weeks of every month, mostly internationally

  • I was supposed to have a calendar full of new restaurant & bar openings, concerts, & other #MileHigh happenings

  • I was supposed to attend a big graduation, be the maid of honor in a wedding, & spend every holiday with family…

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10 Things I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving

I always find myself reflecting on the past year around the holidays. Between the decorating, the shopping, the dinners, and the parties, it’s important to take some time to think about where you’re at and where you’re going. After all, New Year’s Resolutions are right around the corner! So this week, I took some time to look at my last year and reflect on some of the things I’m most grateful for. Here’s my list of ten things I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving:

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