Posts tagged thingstodoindenver
How to Stay Accountable with Your Fitness Goals & WaytoGo's #BiketoWhereverWeek

For many of us, 2020 has been a weird year for fitness goals. When the gyms first closed and social distancing became the norm, a lot of us were left with figuring out a new routine. It felt hard to be motivated. I know sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the news and had a hard time figuring out what my new fitness routine should be. When I talked to @olivihuh, we realized we were experiencing the same struggle…

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What It's Like Indoor Skydiving with Denver's iFly

After you’re properly suited, the real fun begins! You “fall” into the tunnel- hips first and arms wide up. You’ll be surprised at how you’re already flying from the moment you fall forward. Your guide will help move you to the center of the tunnel, fly up toward the tunnel’s ceiling (which you’ll notice I do with my guide John in the video each time I '“disappear,” as some of you put it), and of course, you’ll snap some pics together…

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