Posts tagged botrworkout
Why You Should Start Saying "No" More Often

“I somehow had equated being kind with saying yes.”

“I didn’t want to let people down.”

“I was afraid to fail or hurt someone’s feelings.”

“I didn’t want to miss out.”

Ever found yourself feeling the feels with one of the above? Ever found yourself overextended or exhausted, with no one to blame but yourself?

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Shop the BlondOnTheRun Amazon Store

You know those items that you keep ordering on Amazon over and over again?

YES. Yes you do. I put them all in ONE place- a newly curated Amazon Shop where you can purchase anything in just 2 clicks! To find the shop, simply go to EASY.

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Using CBD as Part of Your Workout Routine

If there is one ingredient that’s had a moment over the past year, it’s CBD, or cannabidiol. The cannabinoid, or chemical compound, is found in marijuana and hemp and has been tossed into just about everything, from sports drinks and beers to face masks and lip gloss. This has led to a total oversaturation of CBD products, and with little regulation. You really have to do your research!

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