Posts tagged liketoknowit
What You've Been Asking Me Lately ⤵️

Hiiii! Lots of new faces on here the past few weeks & i am LOVING all of your DMs + questions. Gathered a few of your most common ones about who I am & what I do- here are the deets bbs:

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What Adjectives Do You Use to Describe Yourself?

Do you remember those exercises in elementary school where you’d have a whole word bank of adjectives & you’d have to choose 5 and make them into a sentence? Like, “The sheep is fast and pretty and brave and sensitive and angry?” And you would just wildly choose them at random because homework and let’s get it done, right?…

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Why You Should Start Saying "No" More Often

“I somehow had equated being kind with saying yes.”

“I didn’t want to let people down.”

“I was afraid to fail or hurt someone’s feelings.”

“I didn’t want to miss out.”

Ever found yourself feeling the feels with one of the above? Ever found yourself overextended or exhausted, with no one to blame but yourself?

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How to Halloween During Quarantine

Who knew we’d be entering the holidays under these circumstances. No vision board could have quite predicted this one bbz, but here we are, so let’s make the most of it! Here’s how to Halloween during a pandemic:

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Everything You Need to Know About Like to Know It

If you’ve ever wanted to shop one of my photos on Instagram on more than just Amazon, now you can! I recently partnered with RewardStyle to enable my Instagram photos to be more shoppable with

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