Posts tagged inspo
Why You Should Start Saying "No" More Often

“I somehow had equated being kind with saying yes.”

“I didn’t want to let people down.”

“I was afraid to fail or hurt someone’s feelings.”

“I didn’t want to miss out.”

Ever found yourself feeling the feels with one of the above? Ever found yourself overextended or exhausted, with no one to blame but yourself?

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How to Set Yourself Apart & Own Your Art

Last fall in Madrid, I went to a flamenco show at Cafe Chinitas. There were maybe 10 of us in the crowd, so this wasn’t some packed show, and I was seated front row, right next to the stage. It was lit though, crowd or not, because the performers onstage were clearly ARTISTS in their ELEMENT and they danced like this was a packed theatre!

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#MondayMood: Using Visualization to Manifest Your Goals

I’m a big believer in visualization: Before I ever started freelancing as a content creator and traveling, I pictured myself doing it. I know it sounds weird. But I just started imagining myself working from a laptop and seeing the world. And then one day I was. There was a lot of work to get there, sure. But I kept visualizing it, all the time. Sometimes now I even get this weird deja-vu kinda feeling where it’s less of a, “Did I do this before?” and more of a, “Didn’t I picture myself here once and now it’s kind of happening?”

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