The Biggest Piece of Advice for Switching Up Your Career


This week, someone I haven’t chatted with since high school reached out & asked if I’d be willing to talk with them on the phone about switching careers. They’d seen it was my birthday on FB, hit my website, & then listened to my episode with @leylasarper on her @presentnotperfect_ podcast. Leyla & I talked about how to make your side hustle your day job & this person was feeling super inspired after listening. How’s that for a social media bender? 😜

When we chatted, we talked about their interests and the different directions they were considering. At one point they said, “I guess it’s really just about having the confidence to get started, isn’t it?”

If you’re rethinking life during COVID, you’re not alone. I think it’s making a lot of us reconsider, or forcing those of us who have to find a new role, to ask what the heck it is we really want to be doing with our lives, where we should live, and who we should be spending our time with.

If you’re thinking about switching things up, the biggest piece of advice I can offer is the exact conclusion that this person came to- just throw yourself into it with confidence. Approach it with the attitude that if anyone can do it, it’s you. After all, with all the curveballs 2020 has thrown our way, what do you have to lose? ⚾️🥊💁🏼‍♀️

Hit me on the ‘gram with your biggest tips and questions on switching up your life :)

Chat more soon. xoxo