Three Ways to Figure Out Your Side Hustle


I’ve had so many of you reach out about how to find a side hustle so that you can start a #smallbusiness or #freelance your skillset and eventually quit your day job and set your own rules, both of which I started doing a couple of years ago and now make a full time income from! But how do you get started? How do you figure out what you might like to do? Here are 3 tips to start discovering direction:

1. What do you find yourself feeling fulfilled from? Is it doing something with your hands? Is it taking photos? Is it crafting? Is it thrifting? Is it writing? Is it personal connection and coaching? Whatever fills you up and gives you that YES feeling that for so many of us, our day jobs don’t, that’s where you need to start. 💖

2. Research, research, research! Once you have found what you feel full from, start researching HOW you can either: use that thing to start a small business OR use that thing to sell a skill. Just about everything breaks down to one or the other! Maybe that means opening an @etsy shop, creating presets to sell, starting an online thrift store, or selling your coaching and mentorship at an hourly rate. Whatever it is that you love to do, research how you might monetize that thing through a small business or a freelanced skill.

3. Connect! Find people who are doing what you want to do and genuinely connect with them! Ask them how they did it or study what they’ve done and how you can implement similar ideas or strategies. Start exploring the niche network around your thing and making friends to share with, collaborate with, run your ideas by, etc.

Do you have another tip to share? Do you want to see more posts like this? Let me know in the comments or on stories on the ‘gram- my 2021 goal is to help you turn your daydream INTO your day job 🤩🌈☁️ so expect more posts like this!