How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Trip to Los Angeles
I Love LA.
Los Angeles is a massive city known around the world for its art, music, culture, history, and so much more. Every time I travel to other countries, a popular question they ask me about the US is, “Have you ever been to L.A.?” It’s a place as famous as its celebrities!
That said, there are so many things to do in the City of Angels that planning a trip there can be overwhelming! Here are the tips I use every time I plan an adventure to L.A.:
Are you looking for a relaxing trip or an active trip?
L.A. honestly has it all. If you’re looking to relax, its luxury spas, beautiful beaches, and amazing shopping could make an awesome trip! If you’re looking for something more active though, ask yourself what’s most important for you to see? Are you wanting to walk around Hollywood? Travel to Disneyland? Cruise the Sunset Strip? Tour Beverly Hills? Of course you can fit many of these into a few days, but start planning your trip by prioritizing what it is you want to see most and going from there. You want to squeeze as much in as you can, but you still want to be able to enjoy what you’re doing. It’s a balance.
Are you renting a car or using public transportation?
This is a huge factor when traveling to any city, but especially to Los Angeles because of their insane traffic! Los Angeles is a place I personally don’t find to be great in the public transportation department so I often rent a car or Lyft to where I want to go. You can even get $5 or more off your next Lyft by using my referral code blondontherun! Whatever you decide, factor in the time it takes to get around because it may be more than you’d think just to travel a few miles in this city! Cruising from Hollywood to Sunset Boulevard to Santa Monica Pier to Manhattan Beach is doable (I’ve done it!) but you’ll want to go at the right traffic times to get everything in on your list.
Stay near what you want to see!
With so much traffic and so little time, it can often be a huge advantage in L.A. to snag an AirBnB or hotel near a cluster of the sites you want to see. Whether you’re looking to catch some time at the Getty and then cruise to Hollywood or visit Venice Beach before heading up Ocean Avenue, it’s worth booking something close to a few things you want to do on your trip. Walking distance is an even bigger bonus! Use my referral code here for $40 off your next AirBnB!
Look up other sites around your ticketed events.
This tip is another huge time and transport saver. Maybe you’re catching a game at Dodgers Stadium or maybe you’re planning a backstage tour at Paramount Studios. Whatever the events are that you’re planning to do for sure, to make the most out of getting somewhere in this city, look up what’s in walking distance of your ticketed events and do them! There is no better way to maximize your time and get the most out of your L.A. trip than to use this trick! I use it most places I go, but especially in Los Angeles, so I can spend as much time on my feet and out of my car as possible.
Mix up museums with other fun sites.
L.A. has so. many. museums. Fine art, history, the tar pits, Madame Tussauds- museums are honestly everywhere! While I absolutely think you should check some out, don’t be the person who gets stuck spending your entire trip in museums (unless that’s what you’re in to). You’ll miss out on seeing a lot of the actual city if you spend it all inside and there’s something about Los Angeles that makes me want to be out soaking up the sun. You should definitely make room for a museum or two- they’re some of the best you’ll find in the world. But make sure you also get out and see iconic parts of the city, the beaches, and the local neighborhood joints that make community in L.A. special.
There's nowhere like Los Angeles, so have fun booking your next adventure to the West Coast! I go several times a year and I still can't get enough!