Posts tagged airbnb
Travel Guide: What I Wore & Things to Do In Cologne, Germany

I had dinner at the Brauhaus Reissdorf, which was right across from where I stayed in Cologne. It poured rain during our dinner, but we sat on a covered outdoor patio with brews and had a blast. The staff were very friendly and helped me practice ordering my dinner in German because they wanted to and not because I asked…

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Travel Guide: What I Wore & Things to Do In London, U.K.

Fish & chips (duh!) with a Guinness at a classic English pub. I love grabbing Guinness overseas because they pour it correctly and that makes all the difference! The best part of this dish was that it came with a side of dipping curry for the fish, a treat which I learned is pretty standard in London pubs for this dish. It was amazing! I also ate at a lovely Indian restaurant near Camden Market

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Trip to Los Angeles

os Angeles is a massive city known around the world for its art, music, culture, history, and so much more. Every time I travel to other countries, a popular question they ask me about the US is, “Have you ever been to L.A.?” It’s a place as famous as its celebrities! That said, there are so many things to do in the City of Angels that planning a trip there can be overwhelming! Here are the tips:

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