Travel Guide: What I Wore & Things to Do In London, U.K.
At Abbey Road Studios.
What I Wore: A creme button-up crop top like this one with these ankle cropped, hem-cut Just USA jeans from Stitchfix, a vintage Garage Bomber Jacket (but I’d recommend any of their jackets here), an oversized scarf, and these Steve Madden black slip-ons. Since I was backpacking around, I did a lot of rotating the same wardrobe on my European adventure.
What I Did: A walking tour of Abbey Road Studios & Gift Shop, Hyde Park, Marble Arch, Camden Market, Big Ben (currently under construction until 2021 FYI!), Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, and the London Eye.
Love the hems on these Just USA jeans.
What I Ate: Fish & chips (duh!) with a Guinness at a classic English pub. I love grabbing Guinness overseas because they pour it correctly and that makes all the difference! The best part of this dish was that it came with a side of dipping curry for the fish, a treat which I learned is pretty standard in London pubs for this dish. It was amazing! I also ate at a lovely Indian restaurant near Camden Market. If you’re into Indian cuisine, check out Brick Lane’s curry restaurants. They often barter with each other outside just to get you to come in to their shop! And finally, if you’ve yet to try an English grilled Halloumi sandwich, it’s a must on your next British excursion. My favorite was at The Ivy Cafe in St. John’s Wood.
A grilled halloumi at the ivy cafe.
Where I Stayed: Paula’s Cosy Home on Airbnb- This beautiful little house had a kitchenette and bathroom in the lower level with a queen bed in the upstairs loft accessible by a spiral staircase. It was perfect for a two-person stay and a quick walk, bus ride, or Uber to the Underground to explore London. Paula is also an excellent host!
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