10 Things You Can Do for the Denver Music Scene



I remember the high that I used to get walking into this venue & so many others before a show. ✨ I used to show up quite early as a concert photographer- I loved meeting with everyone who worked the venues, making small talk, watching the opener & crew setup, taking some test shots, photographing early crowd members. And the rush was even higher when the place filled in, the lights dimmed, security led us to the pit for the classic “first 3 no flash”, & we #denvermusicphotographers made some art while we moved around each other gracefully for our favorite shots.

Time has 2 speeds in the pit: slow and methodical, or so fast you’re not sure what happened. I miss it. I miss shows so much.

Not just the live music part- the people part. The promoters, the security, the box office staff, the stage & sound crews, hanging backstage with bands, the bartenders, the fans. I can’t wait until we can all be together again. 🙏 We will get there-- and when we do, we’ll make sure to never take the magic for granted

I sure love you #denvermusicscene • human kind - be both 💙💜

PS: 10 things you can do for the Denver music scene via CPR linked for you HERE!