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What Adjectives Do You Use to Describe Yourself?


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Do you remember those exercises in elementary school where you’d have a whole word bank of adjectives & you’d have to choose 5 and make them into a sentence? Like, “The sheep is fast and pretty and brave and sensitive and angry?” And you would just wildly choose them at random because homework and let’s get it done, right?

I was looking at a few of these this week and what I found actually kind of bothered me. On a lot of them, words like “angry” or “nervous” are under a category called “bad feelings” and while I get that we’re really simplifying these categories here, it just didn’t feel right to me. You shouldn’t feel “bad” when you’re angry; you should FEEL. You should feel anger- period. Sit with it; know what it feels like in you. Learn why it comes up for you, learn what it means for you, but definitely don’t let it make you feel like it’s good or bad. Sometimes, it just IS. You’ve got this one life to live, and I say taste the freakin’ rainbow bb. Feel all the feels.

Life is bigger than good and bad and it weirds me out that we condition ourselves into thinking and feeling otherwise. You can be more than one thing. You can be a wild, random combination of all the adjectives you want to be - & that’s what makes you beautiful bb.

What do you think? 💫Tell me your adjectives on the ‘gram!

Chat more soon. xoxo